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Term: Category: Community Planning and Public Works

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Viewing 1-7 of 7 Results
  • Volunteer Program

    This is a list of various activities required to keep the affiliate working. Please consider how you could help and volunteer with us.

    Family Selection:

    The family selection committee is responsible for reviewing applications of potential home owners. For each selection period, they interview the applicants. Based on findings the committee makes a recommendation concerning the appropriate candidates.

    Family Support:

    Family Supports work with selected families and new home owners to help them adjust to their new home and the responsibilities of home ownership. Family Support provide guidance in areas as obligations (taxes, mortgage, etc) or yard & home maintenance. Partnerships are formed with families and are expected to be continued for at least one year but often become long term friendships.

    Site Evaluation:

    Every potential site must be examined for suitability. The organization considers each site with respect to lot size (ample but not extravagant), legal considerations, cost to build on, and potential issues for a habitat family. Houses built by MCHFH must provide suitable, affordable homes.

    Fund Raising:

    Over the years, the organization has conducted many different fund raising events, People that can bring new ideas and volunteers who are willing to help with or organize events are always a need.

    Public Relations:

    Our public relations sub-committee is responsible for producing our newsletter and for press releases for important events. Typical events are ground breaking, house dedication, and fund raising events.

    Volunteer Coordination:

    A volunteer coordinator will help make sure we have appropriate construction volunteers. This person will work with the construction manager during a build.

    Board of Directors:

    Madison County HFH maintains an all volunteer, working board of directors. In order to optimize the value of contributions, our volunteers do not take payment for their service even at the level of directors and officers. Typically, directors are also members of the sub-committees which are responsible of many of the tasks above. The Board operates according to rules and responsibilities as defined in the Bylaws which include 4 elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer).

    Provider:Madison County Habitat for Humanity
    Provider Address:Po Box 528, Madison, Cazenovia, NY, 13035-
    Madison County Habitat for Humanity
  • Broome Recycles

    Provides recycling program for Broome County.

    Provider:Broome County Government
    Provider Address:Broome County Office Building, 60 Hawley St, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13901-
    Broome County Government
  • Code Enforcement City of Canandaigua

    The City's Code Enforcement Office is responsible for issuing building permits for all new construction and renovations. This office also enforces the City ordinances against property maintenance, substandard housing conditions, high weeds, junk vehicles, etc. The City Health Department and Sanitation Inspector are also contacted through this office.

    Provider:City of Canandaigua
    Provider Address:City of Canandaigua, 2 North Main Street, Ontario, CANANDAIGUA, NY, 14424-
    City of Canandaigua
  • Snow Removal Vendor Database

    Broome County Office for Aging maintains a Snow Removal Vendor Database, which is a listing of vendors available to do snow removal, shoveling, plowing and ice removal. Database is updated annually. Fees for the service are determined between the vendor and the senior consumer.

    Provider:Broome County Office for Aging
    Provider Address:60 Hawley Street, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13901
    Telephone:(607) 778-2411
    Broome County Office for Aging
  • City of Binghamton Public Works

    The City of Binghamton Department of Public Works provides the following services: paving operations, pothole repair, snow and ice removal, street cleaning, garbage and trash collection, recycling collection, yard waste collection, street lighting, city owned buildings and grounds maintenance, including vacant property maintenance, traffic signs, and traffic markings maintenance.

    Provider:City of Binghamton
    Provider Address:Binghamton City Hall, 38 Hawley Street, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13901
    Telephone:(607) 772-7005
    City of Binghamton
  • Emergency Services

    ServiceMaster of the Tri-Counties services the Disaster Restoration needs of Horseheads, NY and the counties of Steuben, Schuyler, Chemung, Tompkins, Seneca, Yates, Livingston, Tioga and in PA, Tioga, Bradford, Erie, Naigara, Wyoming and Genesee counties.

    When fire, smoke, or water damage your home or business, speed is essential to minimize further damage. To restore your home or business to its pre-crisis condition and avoid costly mistakes it’s just as critical to select the most qualified professionals. As the leader in the restoration and cleaning services industry, ServiceMaster of the Tri-Counties is committed to maintaining the highest business, ethical, and quality standards.

    So no matter what the emergency; water, sewage, fire or smoke damage, trauma /vandalism clean up, mold remediation and construction services, ServiceMaster of the Tri-Counties is ready to give you peace of mind with 24/7/365 service.

    Provider:Service Masters of the Tri-Counties
    Provider Address:243 Old Ithaca Rd, Chemung, Horseheads, NY, 14845
    Telephone:(607)-739-7236, (866)-421-2411
    Service Masters of the Tri-Counties
  • National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

    The Broome County Sheriff's Office sponsors a one-day effort to bring national focus to the issue of pharmaceutical controlled substance abuse. Unwanted, outdated, or unused prescription or over-the-counter medications are collected.

    Provider:Broome County Sheriff
    Provider Address:155 Lt. VanWinkle Drive, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13905
    Broome County Sheriff
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