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Viewing 1-10 of 165 Results
  • Child Protective Services - Lockport

    Investigates reports of alleged maltreatment or abuse of children made to the NYS Child Abuse and Maltreatment Hotline.

    Provider:Niagara County Department of Social Services
    Provider Address:20 East Avenue, Niagara, Lockport, NY, 14094
    Telephone:(800)-342-3720, (716)-439-7885
    Niagara County Department of Social Services
  • Children Specific Services


    Provider:Liberty Enterprises
    Provider Address:43 Liberty Dr, Montgomery, Amsterdam, NY, 12010
    Liberty Enterprises
  • Community Mediation

    Community Mediation is used to address quality-of­ life issues in neighborhoods that might otherwise end up in court. Private citizens, home­owners, renters, religious and civic organizations, and law-enforcement agencies have all trusted the Center for Dispute Settlement’s mediation and conflict resolution services to address concerns.

    Community Mediation promotes alternative dispute resolution processes that enable individuals and groups to resolve conflicts without litigation.

    •Community Mediation/Arbitration helps disputing parties resolve their differences in a legally binding manner without direct court intervention.

    •Intake and oversight of investigations of allegations for misconduct by local law enforcement agencies.

    •Small-Claims Mediation/Arbitration dramatically reduces costs and fees.

    •Commercial Arbitration/Mediation avoids lost productivity due to interpersonal conflicts.

    •Intervention Services assists in the assessment and resolution of a dysfunctional situation.

    •Monitors elections to ensure objective and fair voting procedures and outcomes.

    Provider:Center for Dispute Settlement
    Provider Address:Center for Dispute Settlement, 120 North main Street, Ontario, CANANDAIGUA, NY, 14424-
    Telephone:(585)-396-0840, (800)-862-4733
    Center for Dispute Settlement
  • Fuel Conversion Program

    The National Grid Fuel Conversion Program is a FREE program provided to Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) qualified customers to convert to natural gas while installing high efficiency heating equipment that will decrease their heating costs for many years. This program is at NO COST to those who are eligible. Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency (MVCAA) will hire local, private licensed contractors to perform the work. Renters are also eligible for this program with permission from the owner(s) of the property.

    Provider:Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency
    Provider Address:Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency, 61 West Street, Herkimer, Ilion, NY, 13357-
    Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency
  • Bridges for Kids

    Bridges for Kids promotes the acceptance of children for who they are. There are no distinctions made for race, color, creed or family background. One definition of a Emalie-and-Janet-220“bridge” is: a means of connecting two different parts. Bridges for Kids connects adults who want to provide positive experiences to children from stressful home environments. Trained volunteers become mentors to children. The resulting relationships give children opportunities for activities that will result in increased self-esteem and a greater feeling of worth. The Bridges for Kids program began in January of 1980 as the Coalition for Children. It now provides children, ages 5 to 12, with positive adult role models. Each child is paired with a trained adult volunteer with whom they spend a few hours a week doing one-on-one activities. By establishing a trusting relationship, the child is provided with the opportunity to develop a positive self-image. Monthly group activities are also sponsored by the program.

    Provider:YWCA of Cortland
    Provider Address:14 Clayton Ave., Cortland, Cortland, NY, 13045
    YWCA of Cortland
  • Adult Protective Services

    Adult Protective Services(APS) is a program for adults 18 or older who may need protective services for a variety of reasons: they have a physical or mental impairment and they are no longer able to protect themselves from neglect, abuse, exploitation, or hazardous situations; or they are unable to provide for their most basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, or medical care; and they have no one willing or able to help them in a responsible manner. Some of the services we provide are investigations of requests for help, home visits to identify needs and arrange for services, medical care or other5 resources in the community, counseling for the person and the family, money management issues, referral to legal services assistance in finding other living arrangements, services to obtain a guardian, and assistance in obtaining other benefits and services.

    Provider:Adult Protective Services
    Provider Address:Essex County Department of Social Services, 132 Water Street, P.O. Box 217, Essex, Elizabethtown, NY, 12932
    Adult Protective Services
  • Adult protective services

    A program designed to help adults who may be being abused, neglected.

    Provider:Allegany County Department of Social Services
    Provider Address:7 Court Street, Allegany, Belmont, NY, 14813-
    Allegany County Department of Social Services
  • Community Health Advocate Program

    Chenango Health Network's(CHN) Community Health Advocate Program is part of a statewide network of agencies helping New Yorker's use their health insurance and access the health care they need. CHN advocates help individuals and families resolve their health insurance problems regardless of whether they are privately insured, publicly insured, or uninsured. Advocates also answer questions, provide information and offer support on a variety of health-related issues so that individuals and families get health care. Assistance may include finding a primary care provider or specialist, obtaining prior authorization for care, understanding medical bills and working out payment plans with providers, understand their rights and responsibilities under the ACA, understand their appeal rights for denial of coverage or care, and more.

    Provider:Chenango Health Network
    Provider Address:24 Conkey Avenue, Chenango, Norwich, NY, 13815
    Chenango Health Network
  • Grievance Committee

    The Broome County Bar Assocation's Grievance Committee provides two committees to investigate complaints against lawyers: Ethics & Unlawful Practice Committee; Greivance & Fee Reconciliation Committee. Will address issues concerning Broome County Attorneys.

    Provider:Broome County Bar Association
    Provider Address:53 Chenango Street, Suite 201, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13901
    Telephone:(607) 723-6331
    Broome County Bar Association
  • Children, Youth and Family Services

    Child Protective Services is responsible for safeguarding the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of abused and neglected children. CPS receives all reports of suspected child abuse and maltreatment within families and conducts investigations, first to assess the risk of harm to the children and then to examine the allegations of maltreatment in each report. In cases where neglect or abuse exists, CPS provides and arranges for services necessary to ensure that risks to the children's safety are eliminated as well as work to preserve and stabilize family life whenever possible.

    Provider:Child Protective Services
    Provider Address:Essex County Department of Social Services, P.O. Box 217, Essex, Elizabethtown, NY, 12932
    Child Protective Services
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