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The Guided Search helps you find long term services and supports in your area. A set of questions will help you identify services and supports that may meet your needs.See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your search results.
The Category Search is arranged by topic. Click on a category in the menu below to learn more about it. Use the location bar above to find providers of these services in your area.See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your results.
Resources that provide survival level services including food, housing, material goods, transportati...
The New York Caregiving Portal is an online tool available at no cost to any individual providing un...
Resources that provide medical and/or supportive services for people with disabilities or behavioral...
Resources that help meet financial needs by helping people find and sustain employment, enroll in pu...
Resources that help people access social groups and activities in their communities including commun...
Resources that protect consumer rights, help with legal services and provide information on public s...
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Custody & Visitation Mediation is a process in which an impartial third party, called a mediator, assists parents or guardians in reaching agreements having to do with custody and parenting disputes.
Provides the courts to handle criminal, civil, small claims and traffic issues. Ground level entrance in rear from parking lot
Holds civil, criminal, small claims and traffic courts Elevators, wide doorways, accessible bathrooms
Legal problems handled involve basic needs such as housing, health care, food and income. Focus is on entitlement programs such as public assistance, Medicaid, food stamps and SSI as well as on housing problems involving evictions, foreclosures and poor housing conditions. Specialized units include Mental Health Law Project, SSI/Disability Advocacy Project, Domestic Violence Project, Pro-Bono Project, HIV Advocacy, disability discrimination, and adult home advocacy. (631)369-1112
Members are attorneys and judges participating in legal seminars and conferences, networking with their peers, subscribing to legal journals and other publications, and taking advantage of other opportunities for professional development. Sets standards which relate to the qualifications and performance of members, accepts and investigates complaints from the public regarding the practices of members and maintains lawyer referral services through which citizens who require legal assistance are referred to member attorneys. Call for details
We provide assistance with non-criminal legal issues that are not fee generating.
Delaware County Office For The Aging contracts with the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York to assist older persons with legal counseling in several areas of the law such as Medicare, Medicaid, landlord-tenant disputes, Wills, Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy, etc.
Provides free legal advice and representation in civil courtand administrative forums. Areas of representation includewelfare, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income(SSI), unemployment compensation, housing issues, issuesaffecting low-income residents, divorces (limited basis),and senior concerns, including simple wills and powers ofattorney, sponsored by Delaware County Office for theAging.
Assistance to apply and/or maintain benefits and entitlements such as Food Stamps, TANF, Medical Insurance, SSI/SSDI, Veteran’s benefits, and PASS Plans.
The Wills Clinic assists clients with serious illnesses who want to prepare simple Wills, Health Care Proxies and Powers of Attorneys.