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Term: Category: Education

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Viewing 1-10 of 280 Results
  • Early Intervention Program

    Infants and toddlers ages birth to age three, and who have special needs may be eligible to receive services to enhance the child’s growth and development. Services are provided for those ages 3-5 in conjunction with the family’s

    school district.

    Provider:Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health
    Provider Address:85 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 106, Dutchess, Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601
    Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health
  • Education

    The purpose of education has always been to every one, in essence, the same—to give the young the things they need in order to develop in an orderly, sequential way into members of society.

    Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research.

    Provider:Canisteo-Greenwood Central School
    Provider Address:84 Greenwood St, Steuben, Canisteo, NY, 14823
    Canisteo-Greenwood Central School
  • Watkins Glen High School

    Watkins Glen High School is one of the schools in the WGCS District. The High School is for grades 7-12.

    Provider:Watkins Glen Central School
    Watkins Glen Central School
  • Life Skills for Children, Teenagers, and Young Adults and Adults

    Mental Health America Dutchess County offers life skills programs and support groups for children, teenagers, young adults and adults: (Call 845-473-2500 for information regarding a particular program)


    Kids on the Block features nearly life-size puppets that educate and entertain young children. Children learn healthy life skills that increase awareness and understanding. Programs are available free to schools and youth groups on these topics: bullies, gangs, and school safety; obesity, multiculturalism, learning disabilities, substance abuse prevention, and emotional well being.


    The Teen Challenge Program is for at-risk youth ages 14-18. Some challenges teens may face today include: low self-esteem, lack of social skills, advancement of education, further development of life skills and/or job placement. The program addresses these possible challenges through weekly life skills curriculum meetings; vocational/educational mentoring for jobs and education; and community engagement involving community service projects.

    FOR 18-25 YEAR OLDS:

    Supported Education serves students whose post-secondary education has been interrupted as a result of mental illness. Working with Dutchess Community College and state agencies, MHADC helps people get into school, stay in school, and succeed in school. Eligibility for Supported Education: 18 or older, meet admission requirements for Duchess Community College, and be referred by ACCES-VR, New York State’s Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation.


    Are you living with a Severe Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) and looking to become more independent and comfortable in society? PROS (Personalized Recovery Oriented Services) will help you learn and refine your life skills. You get the opportunity to build your own schedule, learn in a familiar setting, and take the pressure off by learning coping skills and medication management.


    Life skills training

    Medication and wellness management training

    Emotional support

    Clinical and professional support

    Ongoing rehabilitation resources

    Intervention and risk reduction

    Provider:Mental Health America of Dutchess County (MHADC)
    Provider Address:253 Mansion Street, Dutchess, Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601
    Mental Health America of Dutchess County (MHADC)
  • Family Support Services

    Provides parent training sessions and information and referral for families of individuals with learning disabilties or neurological impairments. Open to families of and individuals with developmental disabilities and/or learning disabilities Handicapped parking

    Provider:Learning Association of WNY - LDA of WNY
    Provider Address:Learning Association of WNY - LDA of WNY, 2555 Elmwood Avenue, Erie, Kenmore, NY, 14217
    Telephone:(716)-874-7200, (716)-874-7200
    Learning Association of WNY - LDA of WNY
  • Community Education

    Community Education

    The Executive Director and board members have made presentations to a number of civic organizations, students (with and without disabilities), educators, businessmen and women, and other agency directors.

    Provider:Staten Island Center for Independent Living (SCIL)
    Provider Address:470 Castleton Avenue, Richmond, Staten Island, NY, 10301
    Staten Island Center for Independent Living (SCIL)
  • Community Education - YWCA

    Community Education - YWCA

    Provider:YWCA Binghamton
    Provider Address:80 Hawley St, Broome, Binghamton, NY, 13901
    Telephone:(607) 772-0340
    YWCA Binghamton
  • Children's Protective Services

    Location Services: 1-800-I-AM-LOST

    Our in-house location staff investigates each case of a missing child using computer technology, online research tools, and a massive national network of partners that includes local law enforcement agencies, the FBI, state missing children clearinghouses, schools, and other non-profit organizations. Photos of missing children are disseminated nationwide through the support of hundreds of media outlets, other businesses, and volunteers who share Child Find missing children posters.

    Provider:Child Find of America Inc
    Provider Address:Child Find of America Inc, 41 Main St, Ulster, New Paltz, NY, 12561
    Child Find of America Inc
  • Senior Citizens Program

    The Boys and Girls Club of Western Broome runs the Senior Citizen Program, which offers different therapeutic programs to elders to promote independence. These include: aqua aerobics, pilates, computer classes, low-impact aerobics, arthritis exercises, circuit training, cooking classes, and more.

    Provider:Boys and Girls Club of Western Broome
    Provider Address:1 Clubhouse Road, Broome, Endicott, NY, 13760
    Telephone:(607) 754-0225
    Boys and Girls Club of Western Broome
  • Corporate Gerontology Services

    The corporate gerontology services offered by Trinity ElderCare Consulting & Management can assist your business in a number of ways.

    Provide highly interactive and motivational on-site workshops on: ; Caregiver Issues and Handling the Stress; Maximizing Available Community Resources; Effective Communication with Your Parents; Aging in Place Funding Alternative for Long-Term Care; Future Care Planning–What Does It Mean and How Do I Start.

    Offer long-term care insurance to your employees and their extended families.

    Help develop company policy and procedures for employees with a caregiver crisis.

    Provide caregiver resource and referral information.

    Provide geriatric care managing services at a reduced fee for employees and their immediate families.

    By providing informative and uplifting seminars and benefits on issues important to your employees, you will dramatically improve morale, increase employee loyalty, decrease absenteeism due to stress related illness and increase productivity.

    Provider:Trinity ElderCare
    Provider Address:19 Wayne Court, Warren, Queensbury, NY, 12804
    Trinity ElderCare
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