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The Guided Search helps you find long term services and supports in your area. A set of questions will help you identify services and supports that may meet your needs.See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your search results.
The Category Search is arranged by topic. Click on a category in the menu below to learn more about it. Use the location bar above to find providers of these services in your area.See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your results.
Resources that provide survival level services including food, housing, material goods, transportati...
The New York Caregiving Portal is an online tool available at no cost to any individual providing un...
Resources that provide medical and/or supportive services for people with disabilities or behavioral...
Resources that help meet financial needs by helping people find and sustain employment, enroll in pu...
Resources that help people access social groups and activities in their communities including commun...
Resources that protect consumer rights, help with legal services and provide information on public s...
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Adult & Teen - This is a 12-week cognitive behavioral anger management group treatment.
“The Third Option is a relationship education program. What does that mean? The Third Option is a series of fourteen lessons on how to improve communication skills. Individuals who practice the techniques explained are better able to communicate with loved ones in a loving and honest way. The program is designed for couples but can benefit individuals as well.”
Peer Advocacy, child care at group meetings, educational opportunities. Steuben County Residents
Dementia Caregiver Support Groups are held at:
*St. Paul's Lutheran Church - 3rd Thursday of every month @ 1pm
6360 Route 242
Ellicottville, NY 14731
*The Pines-Schobert Conference Room 2nd Friday of every month @ 1pm
9822 Route 16
Machias, NY 14101
“In our Peer Support Program, Family Peer Advocates (FPAs) are uniquely qualified to provide Family Peer Support Services based on their personal experience parenting a child with similar needs and the specialized training they receive. These peer services can be provided through individual, group, or other settings that fit a family’s needs … Caregiver Support Group is a place to find other caregivers who are facing, or have faced, similar issues. Many caregivers feel like they gain the ability to navigate all of the systems of care that they have a connection to, when they find a place that:
• Provides support
• Makes you feel less isolated
• Helps to find resources
• Forms friendships
• Gives a safe place to vent
• Allows you to share triumphs along with disappointments
• Shows you how to appreciate the child you have”
Go to the ICAN website to see current opportunities to attend support groups:
Method of Payment: Free
“Come share the challenges, struggles, and joys of caring for a child for the second time around. This group is for grandparents, relatives, and non-parent caregivers that are caring for a child. Coffee, tea, and snacks are provided.”
Methods of Payment: Free
Our Place is a social adult day center the meets on Wednesdays of each week. It provides recreation and socialization for isolate or impaired older adults. The centers activities help to keep members active and promote friendship and self esteem while also providing caregivers the opportunity for respite.
Northern Regional Center for Independent Living is a disability rights and resource center serving Jefferson and Lewis Counties
NRCIL promotes efforts to end discrimination, segregation, and prejudice against people with disabilities
NRCIL works with community partners to create an accessible, inclusive society
Through NRCIL, people discover choices to live more independently, with enhanced dignity
Assistance for those caring for older relatives or friends is provided through this program. Supportive services include institutional and non-institutional respite, person emergency response systems, home modifications, educational opportunities and counseling and support groups.
On-going support group which provides information, resources and alternatives for people concerned with the many problems associated with aging parents and relatives.