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Program AAPSA: Educational Advocacy, Assessment, and Development:

AAPSA: Educational Advocacy, Assessment, and Development

  • Description:


    Advocating for your child in a school setting can be a very confusing and frustrating process. Our advocacy staff is highly trained to understand the clinical needs of children in school settings and can improve communication between the home and school. In the context of Parent Education and Skill Building therapy appointments, we aid parents in understanding what services would benefit their children and acquiring necessary supports, modifications, accommodations, and special education status.


    School personnel often desire input from parents for suggestions on how to help their child be successful in an academic setting. We conduct school-based observations to aid parents in understanding their child’s academic, social, and emotional functioning during the school day. Observations are conducted in multiple settings (e.g. classroom, recess, specials) during the school day and include a teacher interview in order to help further understand the areas of concern. Based on the observation, we provide recommendations to improve academic, social, and emotional functioning and promote optimal growth.


    We employ strategies such as Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) that are proactive, data-driven, and strength-based, and hence offer much more in promoting the long-term growth and promise of children and adolescents.”

    METHODS OF PAYMENT: $250 per appointment during the evaluation (the evaluation can take multiple sessions). After the evaluation, it’s $175 for unit/appointment. Out-of-pocket or insurance. Works with many insurances. Fidelis, ETNA, Ponco, Tricare Health Net, UHC, Empire, MVP, Emblem, and Lifetime Benefits Solutions.

    Provider:ADHD & Autism Psychological Services and Advocacy (AAPSA)
    Areas Served:Oneida
    Hours of Service:Friday 09:00 AM-06:30 PM, Monday 09:00 AM-08:00 PM, Tuesday-Thursday 09:00 AM-07:00 PM
    Transport Available:No

    Toll Free:Yes

    Eligiblity:Fill out an Intake Form online or go into the office. An appointment will follow.
    Last Update:1/31/2020 2:29 PM
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