The Keyword Search helps you find long term services and supports in your area.
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The Guided Search helps you find long term services and supports in your area. A set of questions will help you identify services and supports that may meet your needs.See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your search results.
The Category Search is arranged by topic. Click on a category in the menu below to learn more about it. Use the location bar above to find providers of these services in your area.See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your results.
Resources that provide survival level services including food, housing, material goods, transportati...
The New York Caregiving Portal is an online tool available at no cost to any individual providing un...
Resources that provide medical and/or supportive services for people with disabilities or behavioral...
Resources that help meet financial needs by helping people find and sustain employment, enroll in pu...
Resources that help people access social groups and activities in their communities including commun...
Resources that protect consumer rights, help with legal services and provide information on public s...
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Bridges for Kids promotes the acceptance of children for who they are. There are no distinctions made for race, color, creed or family background. One definition of a Emalie-and-Janet-220“bridge” is: a means of connecting two different parts. Bridges for Kids connects adults who want to provide positive experiences to children from stressful home environments. Trained volunteers become mentors to children. The resulting relationships give children opportunities for activities that will result in increased self-esteem and a greater feeling of worth. The Bridges for Kids program began in January of 1980 as the Coalition for Children. It now provides children, ages 5 to 12, with positive adult role models. Each child is paired with a trained adult volunteer with whom they spend a few hours a week doing one-on-one activities. By establishing a trusting relationship, the child is provided with the opportunity to develop a positive self-image. Monthly group activities are also sponsored by the program.
Consumer benefits include: