“Often times, the immediate needs of families to obtain stability do not fall within regular funding guidelines. Needs such as household items, bedding, clothing, car seats, bus passes, etc. are all vital to a family’s ability to function in society; however, these are the needs that are not addressed under most funding sources.
To address this need, MVCAA developed its MVCAA Angels program. MVCAA Angels take requests for these everyday necessities and, through a network of volunteers, attempts to fulfill these needs on an individual basis. MVCAA’s Angels accepts donations of personal hygiene products, household items, furniture, etc., as well as monetary donations to help low-income families across the service area. MVCAA Angels have helped the mother escaping domestic violence issues to reestablish a household; provided teens with needed personal hygiene products; supplied new parents with formula and car seats; assisted seniors by replacing refrigerators and appliances that no longer work. The Angels have developed a network of staff, community members, and organizations that can quickly come to the aid of a family in need.
The Angels have partnered in the past with the Taco Bell Foundation, the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties, local businesses, and community members. In order for families to concentrate their efforts on the long-range goal of self-sufficiency, the immediate emergency needs must be addressed to stabilize a family. MVCAA Angels is often the only source that can provide that assistance. An all-volunteer/donation project, MVCAA's Community Action Angels have helped hundreds of people throughout the community.”
Method of Payment: Free