Description:The Adult Services Unit provides a variety of specialized services to adults ages 18 and up whose condition or circumstances make them vulnerable to abuse, neglect and exploitation by others.
Referrals are accepted for individuals over 18 year of age, are physically or mentally impaired, who are not capable of protecting themselves from hazardous situations or abuse, who have unmet essential needs and who have no one willing to assist them. Adult Services caseworkers will complete an assessment and create a case plan for each individual.
Successful service delivery relies upon community resources and requires collaboration among health and mental health services, programs for the aged, law enforcement, financial institutions, legal agencies and the courts.
Adults have the right to make their own decisions. They may choose to accept or refuse the services that are offered.
Adult Services staff also provide Information and Referral service to all Livingston County residents, helping individuals find resources to meet their needs either within the Department of Social Services or elsewhere in the community.