Description:In the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, people who require personal care assistance assume a number of the responsibilities generally handled by traditional home health agencies. The person becomes the attendant’s direct supervisor and handles recruitment, screening, hiring, training, scheduling, supervising and disciplining the attendants up to and including termination.
CDR serves as a “fiscal intermediary”, which is responsible for maintaining personnel and payroll records as well as billing Medicaid. The Agency assists participants with problem solving and providing supports and access to tools Supervisors can use when recruiting attendants. CDR Support Specialists provide CDPAS Supervisors with “one on one” support for issues such as training and ongoing management skills. Additionally, CDR provides access to tools for CDPAS Supervisors to use with recruitment, and screening their attendants.
People who are interested in Self-Directed Personal Assistance Services must be able to direct their own personal assistance services or must have a family member, friend, or designated representative who is willing to assume the responsibilities of the self-directing participant.
There are a number of benefits to this program:
People with disabilities are able to screen and select the people who assist them in their homes.
People with disabilities are able to exercise more control with their choices about who provides their personal care.
People with disabilities manage their own attendant services and train their selected attendants on how they would like their personal care provided.
For more information, or to find out if you or a loved one may be eligible for this service, please contact CDR’s Assistant Director of CDPAS at (585)-546-7510 or send an inquiry to